Touro Infirmary New Orleans Menu Order Sheets for Patients (Beige) c. 1910
Touro Infirmary New Orleans Menu Order Sheets for Patients (Beige) c. 1910
This is a sheet that would be filled out by a patient at Touro Infirmary for their daily meals. Free shipping!
Touro Infirmary was founded in 1852 by an endowment from Judah Touro. Edward Haycock, Sr., of Shrewsbury, Shropshire, England won first prize for his plans for the building.
Notable physicians who worked at Touro included Drs. Alton Ochsner, Edgar Hull, Abraham Louis Levin, and Rudolph Matas. Notable patients have included jazz musician Muggsy Spanier, who composed his tune "Relaxin' at the Touro" while recovering from an operation there. Touro was also the birthplace of writer Truman Capote (September 30, 1924), and opera stars Norman Treigle (March 6, 1927) and Shirley Verrett (May 31, 1931).
It was also notable for being the only full-service, adult hospital open in Orleans Parish in the immediate aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. The building suffered minor damage during Katrina, but had many ceiling tiles ripped off and mold on furniture that was later replaced. The hospital reopened on September 28, 2005.
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