Memorial Book of Charity Barnum - Signed by P.T. Barnum to His Niece
Memorial Book of Charity Barnum - Signed by P.T. Barnum to His Niece
This memorial book was signed by PT Barnum to his niece about a year after the passing of Charity Barnum.
Funeral Service Memorial Book. Only Edition. 4 to 20 pages, verse, text bordered in black. Decorative cloth, beveled edged boards (rubbed, toned and soiled) stamped in black and gilt, a.e.g. Needs conservation: Disbound: spine cloth perished, boards detached, stitching compromised. First brown coated endpaper excised, old penciled pricing at head of front free endpaper, occasional odd spot, otherwise textblock clear and unmarked. Inscribed at ffep: "To My niece, Mrs. Sarah M. Bailey [Sarah M. (Hallett) Bailey (1835-1920)], with kind Regards, P. T. Barnum - Waldemere, Sept. 4th, 1874."
On the nineteenth day of November, 1873, Charity, wife of P. T. Barnum, passed from earth to the spirit land. Many have gone before who filled large places in the world's drama - few who have left a larger void in the family circle, and in the hearts of sorrowing friends."
Funeral of Mrs. Charity Barnum, Wife of P. T. Barnum: Born in Fairfield, Ct., Oct. 28th, 1808 - Died in New York City, Nov. 19th, 1873 - Burial From Waldemere, Bridgeport, Ct., in Mountain Grove Cemetery, November 22d, 1873 - Funeral Services by Rev. Abel C. Thomas, of Philadelphia.
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